Monday, June 1, 2009

Additional posting- Social Issues – The True Price of Diamonds

There are various fortunes all around the world. One of these is diamond. There are several places in earth that people can get rough diamonds from, but it's not that simple to get them. In this essay I will take a look at diamond history, who controls it as well as the important locations along the trade route these most valuable of rocks pass.

First of all I will take a look at diamonds history. For starter, one notable concern is with regard to its discovery. To illustrate, diamonds were first discovered in a town called Golconda in India 4000 years ago. In addition, many companies started their mines in their own countries; Like De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd in South Africa. An additional factor to take into consideration is with respect to the control of diamonds. To clarify, De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd controls 2 out of 3 world's rough diamond trade and in the early 20th century it turned into global giant so it keeps the diamond price the same.( focus on Diamonds 1). Furthermore, another company which is in Antwerp associated by Jewish society has almost 80% of the world's rough diamonds go through this city.
A major point to consider is regarding the route of diamonds. For instance, the cheapest diamonds could be found in India, because 90% of the world's rough diamonds are cut and polished there and they pay their labors 40 Cents only for 1 gem. The problem that they don’t get them from their own country, they import them from other countries like Belgium and South Africa. Moreover, another Company has become popular for their diamond is located in Dubai.UAE gave many new ideas and deals to improve their diamond trade, so its business worth near £1 Billion nowadays.

In brief, for thousands of years, diamonds have been an internationally recognized symbol of love, romance and marriage. However, a portion of the world's diamonds come from areas where war and bloodshed are an everyday occurrence so many companies were made just to find these rough diamonds and turn them to shiny and beautiful. Trading diamonds became much popular than before, because nowadays a lot of people buy diamonds to show their personality through them such as hip hop stars and celebrities

Works Cited
"Focus on Diamonds." Global eye. Ed. Royal Geographic Society. 28 May 2009 .

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Additional posting – Lebanon

When you need to know about a person or something, you have to look at his and its past and present.Lebanon is one example of how we can apply this concept. In this essay I will talk about the history of Lebanon and Lebanon at present.

Let’s now take a look at Lebanon’s history. A first point to consider is with regard to its location. To clarify, Lebanon is surrounded by five countries which are Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Cyprus and Israel. Another point is in term of past conflicts between Muslims and Christians. To elaborate, Christians held the balance of power and Muslims had little say of their country. In addition, in 1975 tensions reached their peak because the Phalanges attacked and killed a bus full of Palestinians in downtown Beirut. One notable concern is with regard to the economical losses. To illustrate, nearly a quarter of the population left the country and for many years Beirut’s economy was paralyzed (Eye in Lebanon 1).Last point to take note of is with respect to the peace between Muslims and Christians. For instance, in 1989 a peace deal was reached offering an equal balance between Christians and Muslims (Eye in Lebanon 1).

Having looked at Lebanon’s past, let now turn our attention to the present. One major point is regarding Social and economical recovery. To clarify, Lebanon is both oil rich, and high in demand because of its strategic geographical location within the Middle East. Another point worthy of mentioning is in terms of tourism. To make it clear, Lebanon has historical places as old as the earliest evidence of mankind. In addition, its geographic position as a crossroads linking the Mediterranean Basin with the great Asian hinterland has conferred on it a cosmopolitan character and a multicultural legacy.
Although the case of Lebanon has unique aspects, the problem of joining divergent sectors of society while repairing the built environment is not limited to Lebanon. Nowadays Lebanon is facing a lot of problems such as wine and weed spreading, poverty and the rapidly increase of unemployment rates.

Works Cited
"Eye on Lebanon." Global eye primary, secondry. Ed. Royal Geographical Society. 25 May 2009 .

Task 7 Problem solution of the global warming:-

Earth can be exaggerated by a wide range of natural events which affects our earth and natural habitat of the planet. I will focus on the subject of global warming which is now the most critical problem in the entire world. In my essay, I will examine some causes as well as consider some possible solutions regarding this issue and I will state my opinion regarding this issue.

Many problems could result from global warming; let’s now take a look at some of these problems. One notable concern is with regard to the greenhouse effect. For example, carbon dioxide emissions emitted from the burning of fossil fuels form Factories and cars. Furthermore, Human activity that requires burning oil, natural gas, and coal for energy has magnified the greenhouse effect (Masibay 1).An additional factor to take into consideration is with respect to the deforestation of the green area. To illustrate, cutting down trees or burn it by natural which help to get fresh air and to prevent pollutions by sucking CO2 and producing oxygen. Yet another point worthy of mentioning is in terms of the effect on animals. To make it clear, the numbers of Polar bears is devastating due to loss of Arctic ice so these Bears have to sum long distance between ice floes (Nicklen 10).

Having looked at some causes, let’s now talk about some solution of this issue. One major solution is regarding gas emissions. For instance, as the number of car increases the gases emitted from these car increases. Mr.Wanger stated that using The Hybrid Phenomenon which is a new technology of cars that uses electrical energy instead of fuel considered being very important solution for the green house gases effect (Wagner 3). Another point worthy of mentioning is in terms of saving animals. To clarify, The “save the polar bear” campaign, which is being supported by WWF, is intended to highlight the threat global warming poses, using the

polar bear as an example - the polar bear is finding its natural habitat shrinking at an increasing rate. In addition, they implement a campaign to enhance the uptake of energy efficient MASTER TL5 fluorescent lighting solutions to reduce the consumption of energy which is one of the causes of climate change (Philips saves the polar bear 1). Yet a final result is to do with reducing the green areas. To illustrate, farms and green places should be spread all over the world because it will reduce the effects of the gases emission.

All in all, taking into account all that I have mentioned regarding this issue, there is no simple solution to this problem because it has many consequences. This issue affects both the nature and the people who live there. In my opinion I think people should change their life style to cut the consumption of energy as well as using other resources such as solar energy to reduce this problem. Also by implementing rules and regulations from Governments to reduce the gasses emissions of factories and cars can lessen the global warming issue.

Works Cited
Masibay, KIM Y. ""Does my gas cause global warming?" Science World 58.8 (2002): 18.
Nicklen, Paul. ""On thin Ice"earth is heating up." National Geographic Explorer 7.3 (2007): 10-(6).
"Philips saves the polar bear." Philips sense and simplicity. 2007. 22 May 2009 .
Wanger, Cynthia G. "Actions for building better futures." The Futurist 41.4 (2007): 3.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Task 6:One Planet Living & Cool Cities

Modern cities are developing in an assortment of ways as we can see here with respect to the UAE’s cities. This improvement has conveyed with it both bright and gloomy growth. Nowadays, cities consume more energy that produces more CO2 and heat. Therefore, the developers found out a basic strategy to deal with heat and CO2 by building Cool Cities. These cities have the ability to reduce heat and CO2 to the zero level. In my essay I will look at the expected role that modern cities make with respect to climate changes, I will look at how modern cities can minimize their energy consumption and as a result to reduce their carbon emission. Finally, I will state my opinion regarding the practicality of environmentally friendly cities.

Firstly, I will look at how modern cities contribute to global warming. For starters, one notable concern is with regard to the buildings. For example, buildings in the UAE don’t have spaces so they don’t provide any shade as well as poor materials used in construction (Stanton 2). An additional factor to take into consideration is with respect to the transportation. To clarify, the rapid growth of UAE’s population led to increase the numbers of cars used in the country .This increases the energy consumption and also the carbon dioxide being emitted into the air.

Having looked at some contributions, I will now turn our attention to recommended solutions as to how they can reduce the level of energy used and the carbon emissions. One major point is regarding climate control. To illustrate, Mr. Hope stated that sorouh plans to circulate seawater underground to cool the pavement and benches and the exterior of buildings (Hope 2). Mr. Younes stated that using creative architecture will cut the energy consumption by 50-70 % (Stanton 3).Furthermore, they will create abundance of trees and water to prevent the heat island effects, filtered light rooftops which can reduce the impact of sun heat and utilizes natural energy such as wind energy (Cool cities).Another point worthy of mentioning is in terms of reducing the carbon dioxide being emitted by transportation. To clarify, cool cities will use a modern technology of public transportation and encouraging people to use them. Moreover; they will introduce new ways of transporting people from zone to other zones of the city. This will reduce the amount of gases emitted into the air because it will be a car free city. Cool city will use Monorail, Hybrid car, Light rail transit and solar ship for water transportation (Cool cities). One last significant solution for this subject to take note of is in terms of recycling. For instance, plastic bags from supermarkets could save the word by recycling these wastes. Vivian Salama stated that Géat hypermarkets became the first retailer in the UAE to commence deposit payments of 25 files per plastic bags (Salama 3). This fell Consumption of plastic bags at the outlet about 50 per cent in the first few weeks of the scheme.

All in all, cool cities are a very smart idea to reduce carbon emission in the world. However, there are many challenges stop in the face of this project. “Masdar” is making superior plan to make people live in less-polluted cities as a result to reduce global warming. In my opinion I think these solutions are practical to reduce the carbon emission but the UAE or other Middle East countries can’t change easily to other resources.

Works Cited
Cool cities. Prod. SDCJ. 4 May 2009 .
Hope, Bradley. "Cool ideas to beat the heat." The National NewsPaper [Abu Dhabi] 5 May 2008: 3.
Salama, Vivian. "Building a green dream." The National NewsPaper [Abu Dhabi] 6 May 2008: 4.
Stanton. "Masdar?s green dream is not for all." The National NewsPaper [Abu Dhabi] 25 Apr. 2008: 3.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Addtional posting

Mohammed Khalfan
Jasaim Al Marzoqai
Saif Al Shamsi
Sultan Hanash
Saleh Salem

Carbon Footprint

There are various ways to measure our impact on the earth from an environmental standpoint. One of these ways is by way of our carbon footprint. In the following report, I will define what a carbon footprint is, show how a carbon footprint measured, and show how I rank in comparison to others, my country and the worlds as whole and finally I’ll make some suggestions as to how we can reduce our carbon footprints.
Let’s now look at how is carbon footprint defined .A carbon footprint is the measurement of the effect human activities have on the environment. To clarify, “carbon footprint is a measure of the impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases produced in our day-to-day lives through burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating and transportation etc” (carbon footprint 2).

There are two ways to measure a carbon footprint. One is by calculating the amount of emission released by a product or in its manufacturing .Another is by a product life cycle. We all have different carbon footprints because each person lives at a different standard and have certain element that affects our footprint on the planet. With that in mind it makes an accurate account of the world carbon foot print difficult to count as it is the calculation process consist of calculating the energy a person uses in their life, house, travel and transportation but even with this calculation being a rough one it still helps people to see how much their life style effects our planet and make us step back and see what we can do different.

Taking our attention to my ranking I measured my carbon footprint from the website and I answered my quizzes about food, Travel, home and stuff in different categories that were related to identify my carbon footprint. I scored the highest among my classmate with a total of 7.145 .My classmate Zabir recorded a reading of 2.585 making him the second, Mohammed Khalfan coming in third place with a reading of 2.205, Salah came fourth with a score of 1.7and finally Jassim scored 1.475. UAE has poor reputation as far as energy use is concerned .It was stated in the National Newspaper that” Mohammad al Jawdar, the director of strategy management at the EAD, said Abu Dhabi was unable to provide accurate statistics on environmental matters at present and this was one of the reasons for the country’s poor international reputation”(Todorova 1).

Finally, I will wrap up by turning out some recommendation to reduce the amount of carbon footprint. First point to take into account is concerns saving energy. To illustrate, Switch off all lights and electrical appliances when not in use and Choose energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs. According to website recycling is a perfect factor to reduce carbon footprint. (Re-think your lifestyle 1).For instance, buy recycled or recyclable products such as toilet tissue and stationery. Last point to consider is that saving water is one of the important factors to reduce carbon footprint. For example, don’t leave the tap running while you clean your teeth, washing your car and cooking.

In brief, this report helped me to principally become more attentive of my impact on the environment and take into consideration ways that I can also benefit the environment by becoming a responsible.

Works Cited

"Ecological footprint." Ecological footprint. 16 Apr. 2009 .

"Footprint calculator." Footprint calculator. 9 Apr. 2009 .

"Re-think your lifestyle." Re-think your lifestyle. 16 Apr. 2009 .

Todorova, Vesela. "New measures to gauge emirates? Carbon footprint." The National Newspaper [Abu Dhabi] 29 Apr. 2008: 1.
"What Is A Carbon Footprint?" Carbon Footprint. 9 Apr. 2009 .